
Friday, December 28, 2012

How the years go by

Decided today that I would look back to see when the last time I put my ink to paper, or fingers to keyboard in this case. Wow, it's been a while since I updated my blog. I want to do better. I want to be one of those that use this means of connection daily...however I am not that good at keeping to habits. Nope 2013 will not bring any resolutions to blog daily, but I can say that I do want to put a good solid effort to it...along with some other things. I hope that 2013 has lots of good things in store for not only me, but for all my family, friends and social network connections. Sew what If I cannot stick to a solid resolution, 2013 will come regardless of whether I do so or not. Goodbye 2012, all in all you were a good year!